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function trainee 一面面试 SH-11-28

非常感谢昨天之前发了面经的筒子们 非常的感谢 所以回来立马发面经 以表感谢 望大家多多share interview experience and good advice

function trainee 一面面试 SH-11-28

今天的面试非常顺利 interviewer very nice and mild and friendly

正是因为昨天看了上面几位的面经 准备了问题 所以回答的相当的`流畅 一点没冷场


问的正是 tracy880419 和 picturedream童鞋发的问题,所以由衷感谢这两位筒子~~~为你俩祈祷找到good job~~~

同志们 面试就是要提前看面经 知道会问什么 然后熟读背下来 如果表达能力强不怯场者可以有个框架 还是建议写下来 这样会在当场说的相当流利~~~但是也没必要背的滚瓜烂熟 一是可能不是同一个面试官 二是容易让人感觉假 所以pretend to be 若有所思



which part do you prefer?(就是我申的那个function由几个工作模块构成 问我最喜欢做哪个方面)

what do you expect to get from this program?

who is your least favorate teacher?

have you purchased Adidas products?

among your intern work, which one would you like to talk about?

why do you choose your current major?

what is your purpose when deciding to ram(我参加过一个项目 问了下这个program)

what is your weakness? have you ever took actions to deal with it?

have you worked with some tough people?

what do you think important 还是什么,,to maintain relationship with people?

have you had related experience,(和申请的那个function有关的经验)?what is the key consideration when doing it?

did you develop some new hobbies and interest during the past one year?

what do you do in your spare time?

how do you define a good job?

any question for interviewer?

others 问问简历


基本都是在问和candidate自身有关的问题 没有问行业知识或者是对adidas的了解

全英文 建议说的慢点 表达的清楚点 气氛比较放松 多笑笑 我的HRJJ穿的是运动装 很好看 多希望和这样的HR共事 轻松又开朗~~

再次感谢上面两位筒子 pictruedream and tracy880417~~~wish you two both good luck